Welcome to the elf/hornet register Website!

The following good people have volunteered to be a further point of contact for members in their locality. Please do try to get in touch with your nearest “rep” with a view to “getting together” for local events etc

Club President

UK South-East : Alastair Smith 19 Victoria Road , Chislehurst, Kent , BR7 6DE Tel: 02084678355


UK South-West : Martin Keeping, 3 Burnt House Lane, Sopley, Christchurch, Dorset, BH238DD. bmcbuzzinhornets@tiscali.co.uk


UK North-West: Chris Jones Bryn Offa, Wrexham Road, Johnstow, Wrexham, LL14 1PA geraint51@hotmail.com


UK Midlands : Andrew Brain, 70 Stratford Road, Bromsgrove, Worcs, B60 1AU. andrew.brain@talktalk.net


UK Scotland: Robert Smith, 14 Douglas Road , Coylton-By-Ayr, KA6 6JJ rob@vxriley.wanadoo.co.uk


Wales: Andy Hamer, The Hollies, Llyn-y-Pandy Lane, Nr Mold, Flintshire, CH7 5JF.


Europe : Eduard Preiswerk, Bickelstrasse 8, 8942 Oberrieden, Zurich, Switzerland. e.preiswerk@bluewin.ch


USA : John & Laurie Rowland, 14264 Leeward Way, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410, USA. laurie@sutts.com or scooperman@vigproducts.com

Website Webmaster: John Hosking, Elf Hornet Register, 2 Trelawney Estate, Madron, Penzance, Cornwall, TR20 8SJ elf69@hotmail.co.uk

